This is my actual version of the map representing the Island of Lost.
As always, I based my map on Rousseau's map.
The positioning of the main locations on the Island is based on screenshots, logic, maps seen on the show, speculations, things that makes this map sort of good, but also not very accurate.
You can find part of the hints I use to make my maps on the Essays and Enhanced Maps sections, so don't forget to take a look!
If you have any questions, or if you noted any mistakes or inconsistancies, please comment. I will answer as soon as possible!
If you have any request or advices, let me know, so that I could edit my map as soon as possible.
Current complete map posted January 23rd 2009
Hello Q,
I had a couple of quick questions on your map. I don't understand what the white rectangle is in the middle. Is this the cable map?
Also I'm curious to method you use to locate you sites. Thanks
Hi, thank you for your comment!
Actually, the white rectangle is just the part of the Cable Map with the Barracks... So I used that rectangle as a "logo" of the Barracks. I know, it's kind of ugly, so for the next maps I'm going to use something else...
As for the method I use... Well.. This is just my first map and it is very approximate. In this I used Ben's Map to the Radio Tower and the Cabin Map combined to locate a couple of sites (First beach camp, Pearl, Barracks, Radio Tower, Cabin...); from the Cabin Map I took the North Arrow; then I used the Blast Door Map (that I think is not that accurate, even if TPTB consider it very accurate...) and other maps, such as Daniel's, the Temple Map, etc...
But, as you can see, the result is not really good.
For the next update I will use a different method: screenshots (as you do) and Google Earth (did you know that you can make up the Island using pieces from the island of Oahu?); my 3D model, and, of course, maps from the show. I hope I can incorporate the CGI view from 301 too... That's almost a dream... I hope I can do this!
Thanks again for your comment. If you have other questions, I will be glad to answer them. :)
I heard about your map on my radio station. I think you have a great map of the island. One thing I don't understand is why you don't have the location of the tail section crash site located. How could you have the Arrow and the 'tiger pit' located without knowing where the plane's rear section crashed. I just don't understand how this is possible. How could you determine the Arrow without knowing where the tailies crashed, and if you did, why not post it. I'm confused, please let us know,
Thank you,
Hello Aram.
First, thank you very much for your comment. It's good receiving some feedback.
The least I can do is answer to your question, of course.
Actually I located the Tail section crash site, but it's probably where not everybody would think it is. I positioned the Tail Section crashing in the water in a "gulf", or something similar, based on the CGI view of the Island shown at the beginning of episode 301 (A Tale of Two Cities). So you can see it on the west coast of the Island, near the Tempest Station.
I know, it's probably far from the Tiger Pit and The Arrow Station, but something we have not to forget is that the Tail section survivors reached the Tiger Pit zone in three days; so it's not contradictory that the Tiger Pit and the Arrow Station are that far from the Tail Section Crash Site.
Moreover, I locate places using Google Earth too (I guess the Island of Lost is a rearrangement of different zones of the Island of Oahu). It's strange, I know, but I think it could be quite accurate.
Thank you again for your comment. I really appreciate that! And I'm also surprised you heard about my map on a radio station; I didn't imagine this blog could make this much.
I hope I answered your question clearly and if you have other questions, I'll be glad to answer them.
Bye, Quasark.
Thank you so much for answering my question. You are right. I looked at that episode last night and the tail section looks to be landing in a gulf. Very close to what you show. I also think it is very smart to use the actual island to create this island. I think also it would be very accurate.
My only question is of the Hydra. I remember reading that in one of the podcasts, the creators of LOST have confirmed that Hydra is the south east smaller island. All maps show it there. How come you show the Hydra up in the middle west? would it not be visible from the coast ( unless it is cloaked, like the rest of the island, so it is invisible from the coast)?
Thank you,
Hello again, Aram.
I didn't remember the exact quote you mentioned (I just remembered that Damon and Carlton intended one of the smaller islands on the map as Hydra Island), so I checked back on Lostpedia (very good site, IMHO).
It would seem you're right about this one. Anyway, there would be some problems; let me explain what I mean:
1. Why would the Dharma Initiative have built the Pala Ferry on the opposite side of the Island, then? I think it would be better to reach a little island a couple of miles offshore from a beach nearer the Hydra island. And I'm very confident my position for the Pala Ferry is quite right.
2. Another problem is caused by Rousseau's Maps: the island you mentioned is highlighted only when all the three maps are overlayed. Moreover, while on the "main" map the little island is "alone" on the southwest, on the sideview map that same island is near other little islands. And on the sideview map, this island is approximately south from the Crater (take a look to the Essays section, there's the map I'm talking about), so it's NOT in the same position (it should be positioned more to the West in the sideview map). As for the third map, we haven't enough images to say what exactly it represents.
So, the three maps highlight a smaller island, but we cannot say exactly where that island is.
As for it being visible from the coast, it could be, but not from the Beach Camp. I also remember a couple of images of a smaller island visible from the main Island (probably in The Other 48 Days, but I could be wrong). And I don't think the Island is cloaked (it was visible from the helicopter in the Season 4 finale).
I know there are a lot of mappers out there, of course more experienced than me (I'm working on this project just since the end of July). I don't know if my position of the Hydra Island is right or if theirs is the correct one. I based my locations also on logic, as you can see by my answer. That of course doesn't mean my logic isn't defective (it could very well be), but I think that, on a show like LOST, we cannot be sure of anything and every single hint must be analyzed before getting to a conclusion.
I hope to have answered your question, and I also hope my english was good enough XD.
If you want some clarification, I'll answer as soon as possible.
Bye and thank you again for commenting.
I'm not very sure about Pala Ferry, but that would make sense, I think. there may be other reasons to build a ferry there. (its in a cove, which is where ferry's are typically built to avoid damage from the open waves) I think the DI may be more interested building a ferry in an area protected than worry about the distance, since it really isn't that far anyway. I would guess your location of Pala Ferry is correct.
You mention that the island I'm speaking of is only highlighted when three maps are overlayed. I don't understand this. I thought I saw the island on the show and thats what the producers said was Hydra. I'm not very good at finding images from the show, but I will try so you understand my confusion.
I'm not sure what you meat by the sideways map and this island. Do you mean that Hydra is the sideways map?
Sorry to be so confusing.
I like your map, I just am confused.
Hello again Quasark
I cannot believe it, but i was able to find the image I was trying to remember. ( it was on another map site, lol). Anyway, what I believe you meant to say is that a triangle appears when you overlay three maps, but the island is very clear in it's size and position. I don't understand the triangle, but the small island is very obvious, i think.
Anyway, hope i don't i'm not too confusing
Hi Aram.
Sorry, your confusion is probably my fault... I'll try to explain again what I meant.
The sideview map (this map http://www.lostpedia.com/images/4/4f/Rousseau%27s_Map.jpg) shows a crater on the Island. Considering the North arrow, I think we can say that this view represent the South side of the Island. As you can see, there's the word crater on it, and, as I showed in the Essays section, this is, in my opinion, the crater you can see in the "main" map (with "main" map, I mean the map you can see on the main page of the site). On the sideview map there is a partial triangle and, in it, an islet (I will use "islet" to indicate any smaller island). In Special (the episode where your image is from), Sayid overlayed three maps. This is what he said:
«But when I laid the pages down like this I realized it wasn't showing the location of the island. I think it's a location on the island.»
Only by overlaying the three maps you can actually see the whole triangle. Now, let's take a look at the islet: in the sideview map the islet is, more or less, in front of the crater and it's not the only islet in that area. Moreover, considering its position on this map, you can clearly see that this islet is almost in a South direction. In the main map, however, the same islet is not in front of the crater, but it's almost in a West direction from the crater. So, looking at the two maps separately, it would seem that the islet is in different locations. It's obviously absurd.
Then, there is the third map, a map we have not completely seen yet. We know that this islet is on the third map, and that this islet is part of a group called, on the map, "Le trois ilots" ie "the three islets". So we have three maps that contradict each other in position and/or number of the islet/islets.
So probably the triangle just means that THAT ISLET is an important place, but it doesn't necessarily claim that the islet is in that exact place (because, as I just explained, looking at all these maps, the islet is in different places).
I'm sorry, but I don't have any screencap to show you, right know. I think there are a couple of link in a comment in the Essays section of the site, but I don't know if they are still working.
As for the Pala Ferry, you made an interesting statement: it's in a cove, so it can be protected from open waves. But there is a similar cove (I'd say almost identical, because I think they used the same cove on Oahu twice on the main map) on the west side of the Island. If the Hydra Islet was on the southwest, why not build the Pala Ferry in that other cove? :) It would be both nearer and protected by the ocean current.
Anyway, as I already said, I'm not sure my map is right. There are a lot of wrong thing, something is quite right, something could even be exactly correct. But as my map is not accurate, I think all of the work of the other mappers isn't quite right (with no offense to anyone, I love the works of all the mappers out there :) ). And I can assure you, as I am the most unexperienced mapper, it's possible my map is the worst one XD.
Anyway, there is no "correct map", there are just a lot of interpretations and theories. And logic.
Anyway, I will check again my position of the Hydra Islet. However, it could take some time, as I'm very busy at the moment.
Thank you again for your comment. If you think something is still not right, just tell me, so I will have the chance to explain my opinion about that.
Bye, Q.
Thank you for your response and your detailed explanation. You obviously are very smart and know a lot more about LOST and where items are. Thank you for your insight. It is very nice of you to answer my questions so diligently. My only other question is what do you mean by XD. You use this term, but I don't know what it means.
Thanks again for your insight and detailed answer. I did not expect so much.
Answering your question was a pleasure, Aram. There are not a lot of people commenting, so it's awesome knowing that someone took a look at my work and thought it's good. Feedback is important in this kind of stuff.
As for you final question, XD is just an emoticon. Nothing more. It is, more or less, the same as :D . Sorry if I confused you with it, I didn't wanted to.
Thank you again for commenting! I really appreciate that! And if in future you will have other doubts, don't hesitate asking explanations for them!
Hi Q,
I was watching season four again, and when Ben gave Alex a map to the Temple, he said it would take 1 1/2 days to reach, but on your map, they are very close. I don't understand how it could take 1 1/2 days when you place it so close. Do you have a reason why you placed it so close or how it could take 1 1/2 days to reach.
I'm not critising, I just don't understand.
Hello, Aram.
Thank you for your comment.
You are probably right about the Temple: in fact, considering, for example, the distance between the Beach Camp and the Pearl Station, a travel to the Temple from the Barracks should take no more than two (or maybe three) hours. The problem is that we don't know enough about the Temple to correctly locate it on the map. We saw the Temple logo for the first time on the map you mentioned in your comment and I based my location of this place right upon that map. Unfortunately, until we have new information about this place, possibly very important to the Others, it will be almost impossible to correctly locate it. I guess Season 5 will reveal something more about the Temple (and possibly its location on the Island too), so we will have to wait.
Anyway, I'll try and update the map as soon as possible (maybe in this couple of weeks) taking into consideration also everything you noted.
Thank you again!
Bye, Q.
I was looking on the internet and I came across a really good site. I know know what our problem is. We have the barracks in the wrong position. Look at this site
I think if we move the barracks farther north, then the temple would be a lot harder to get to. I'll keep on working on our map,
Hello Aram,
I'm sorry for not having replied before.
I just saw that site: that is Lostysmurf's map, a very good mapper.
Even though his location of the Barracks would solve the "Temple problem" on my map, I'm not positive in take that into consideration for a couple of reasons: even though he is more experienced than me in mapping, that doesn't necessarily means his map is better than mine (but I'm sure it is), so his location of the Barracks could be wrong; moreover that location of the Barracks is "his" location: he spent a lot of time and efforts to get to that location and it wouldn't be fair if I moved my position of the Barracks to his location without enough evidence. I simply don't like to copy other maps (and that's because I wouldn't like other people to copy my map either).
Moreover I remember discussing with Mike from thelostmap.blogspot.com about the location of the Barracks. We came independently to similar location and that would suggest that maybe we came to the correct position of the Barracks. So moving the Barracks could be a very big mistake.
Anyway, thank you for your comment! As you can see, mapping could be harder than anyone would expect. But if you have other information to share, don't hesitate and comment! As always, I will examine the new information and update my map as soon as I can.
Happy holidays! :)
Hello Q,
Sorry I haven't commented earlier. I have been pretty busy with my map. I posted a new map and would love to get your input. You have very good constructive critiques and I would enjoy hearing them. I also posted a couple of clues that are not map oriented. I'm looking forward to your update.
Oh, by the way, I added your site to my links. Hope that's ok.
Hello Q,
I hope you liked the season opener as much as I did. A lot of views shown for mappers.
Great job on your new map. I like how you show how locations are moved. It makes it much easier to follow.
I had a few quick of questions though. Should Arrow, Staff, and Tiger pit be shown as being relocated?
Does the 'Others camp' refer to the second tent camp?
Does 414 refer to the episode Season 4 episode 14?
I just curious, why did you move the Staff?
Again, great job.
I haven't started to digest the episodes for mapping yet. Still trying to get my mind around what happened.
Hello Mike,
I enjoyed very much those episodes! Really awesome, both for the kind of Time Travel introduced (I like very much Science Fiction, especially Time Travels! And I study Physics! I think this Season could be my favourite one!) and for the storyline: it seems now that the people off the Island are guided by faith and the people who they left behind by science. TPTB made a great job in my opinion! They couldn't have done it better!
I saw those background views too: a familiar mountain near the coast, that could change our view of the Island, and the location of the nigerian plane crash, that could help us locating both the Pearl and the Orchid. I don't remember if there were more, but I think those are maybe the most important hints we were shown on the Premiere.
As for your quick questions:
Arrow, Staff and Tiger Pit were relocated "two updates ago", in October. With the new system, I show only places relocated in the last update.
As for the "Others' Camp", it refers to the camp Locke was instructed to go to during the Season 4 finale, the one "2 miles east of the Orchid", as Ben said. So yes, 414 refers to episode 14 of Season 4 (There's No Place Like Home, Part 3).
As for the relocation of the Staff, as I said before, it happened months ago. Anyway, I moved the Staff there because I think that the Blast Door Map probably doesn't show us the actual position of the Stations on the Island, but the approximate directions from the Pearl. So, once I locate the Pearl and another Station (for example, the Swan) I can determine where the other Sations are (more or less), considering also the filming locations and the similarities between Oahu and the Island.
Anyway, I think I have to revise my map again: I have to take more into consideration the new screenshots, and it could take time because one screenshot really changed my view of the Island. It seems to make no sense. But I'm not surprised: it's Lost, of course! That's why it's confusing!
Anyway, did you tried at least to determine the location of the Island as seen on Ms. Hawking's map? I did but, as I haven't got a pendulum like that, I had to use screenshots LOL. I think the coordinates should be something like 0 - 5° N, 160 - 165° E, but I can't be more accurate.
Moreover, in the Enhanced Maps section I posted Arzt's map, the one Nikki and Paulo used to find their luggage. If you have time, I'd like to know your opinion about that.
I'm looking forward to your new update!
Hi Q,
Sorry about my confusion concerning the Arrow, Staff, and Tiger pit.
Yea, I know what you mean about confusing screen shots. That one of the 'familiar mountain' really through me. I don't understand that screen shot at all.
lGreat job on Artz's map. I seem to recall another screen shot of that map, but it was not as good. I can't make head's or tails out of it though:) But I'm sure in time it will be another helpful clue. I think you are correct in your assessment of the map. It seems to me that Artz may not know the true trajectory of the plance, and his dotted line comes in from the ocean, small square is the fuselage, the one on the right is the cockpit, and the one on the left is the tail. I know this is wrong, but how could Artz be right, unless he talked to the tailies (he might have, I don't remember).
Mrs Hawking pendulum is really cool, but from what I remember, pendulums can only determine a location's latitude, not longitude. If I remember, Foulcault's pendulum is able to account for the earths coriolis force at the latitude of it's placement. I'm sure they have some type of computer enhancement to account for longitude though. I also thought it was about 0-5 degrees, but I thought it was South. I'm only going by memory, so you are probably correct.
The odd thing about the blast dooor map is, does it take into consideration elevation changes. I would think it would be hard for someone to translate their accurately into a map view. If I climb 3 miles up a 45 degree slope mountain, the map would only show 2 miles.
I like the way your map looks. It is a lot easier to follow and understand.
Oh, I posted those spheres on U-tube so you can get a look at them.
Also, I'm not sure Ben should have told Locke to travel east. I think he meant south. This may help you with your maps. You can find my discussion of this at.
Anyway, I'm going to try to map out the first two episodes and post them. I'm not sure when I will, probably after the third one though.
Good luck,
Hi Mike,
I just wanted to let you know that, after reading your last comment, I thought about the pendulum issue. I tried to find an explanation to that scene through physics, and, if you want, you can read it here
I don't know if it is very logic, but I couldn't thought of anything better.
Thank you for the link to your new post. It's interesting and I don't know how you managed to see something like that! Awesome! I'll have to think about that, but for now I think that Ben's statement is the one to be considered canon. I understand that the producers are very accurate in chosing their filming location, but we should think that probably no place on Oahu was similar to the zone of the Island they wanted to represent. Maybe that screenshot is just to show us that there's a mounatin there, even if there's no mountain in that point on Oahu.
I'm still thinking about those spheres... They're very strange...
Anyway, good luck with your update!
Hello, A nice looking map. I can't seem to make sense of how you placed the locations. How are each of the maps supposed to work into yours?
Also the episode 5x04 seems to confirm the beach camp is on the North part of Danielle's map
Hello Jake,
Thank you for your comment.
You are probably right: the locations probably don't make sense, but the problem is that it is almost impossible to determine exactly where a location is. In fact there are a lot of incongruences.
For example, if you look at the maps the producers showed us in the show, you will probably notice that NONE of those maps can be somehow conistent with Danielle's Map.
Moreover, let's consider Ben's Map to the Radio Tower. It shares similarities to the Cabin Map. Actually, I'd say they represent the same area of the Island. In those maps, the Beach Camp seems to be to the North, but the fact is that the North of one map is the South of the other one. So, which is the real North? No-one can tell. And considering the fact that those maps don't seem to be consistent with Rousseau's Map, we cannot absolutely be sure of where locations should be placed on Rousseau's Map.
So usually mappers use screenshots, or the filming location on Oahu, the Island where Lost is shot, - which is very similar to the Island Rousseau's depicted on her Map - or statements said by the characters to place their locations.
For example, you say that the Beach Camp is to North. The problem is: in 224 Sayid said he wanted to reach the opposite side of the Island to get to the Others' Camp (the Fake Camp). Then, he sees the Four-Toed Statue, he gets to the Fake Camp and he marks its location on Rousseau's Map. Now considering that: a) while sailing he had the Island on his right; b) he marked that location on the west coast of the Island; it would seem that the Beach Camp isn't to the North: it is also confirmed by the communications between Walt and Michael, who used the Swan computer, that to reach the Others' Camp he should go to the North. In 302, Sayid confirmed that he was sailing North. Moreover in 206, the Tailies, Sawyer, Jin and Michael were going to the Beach Camp. They passed the Crater, and the Crater is on the South, and they were moving with the Ocean on their left. So the Beach Camp should be between the Crater and the Others' Fake Camp, on the West coast.
So it's really problematic to map the Island using just maps from the show. Of course, using other methods help but not that much. Anyway, you could actually be right about the Beach Camp: that would mean that the producers changed their idea about locations on the Island.
As for 504, the episode will air tonight, so probably there will be more information about the position of locations on the Island that could be consistent (and the fans will be happy) or inconsistent (and the fans will be confused again). Let's hope in something good!
Thank you again for your comment. Bye
I agree the Beach Camp is in the South but what im thinking is that Danielle's maps actually came from the Black Rock (the reason they are old fashioned). We know the Island can move, and probably has done so several times, and possibly can change its orientation when it moves as well.
I'm thinking North "today" is opposite to what is on Danielle's map. Sayid doesn't know this and hasn't studied enough of the Island to work out Danielle's map.
Sayid marking down the location of the fake camp and telling Jack the Danielle lives in the Dark Territory is based on his misunderstanding and should be flipped to the opposite.
It's just a theory anyway but would resolve why the Hydra Island is all the way across the Island from the Beach Camp. I'm not sure they went past the crater in that episode. Do you have a screenshot of that? My working theory is that the crater is visible in 2x02 Adrift (I think it's that one) where Mike and Sawyer are floating and happen to notice the Island. Off in the distance to the right.
Anyway hopefully more info this episode. See ya later.
Hello Jake.
You could be right about the ambiguities about where the North is. I like your theory. My theory, for now, is just based on the magnetic anomalies on the Island. It could be that the Sawn can cause the magnetic North being in different places, depending on where you are on the Island. So, it wouldn't be that incoherent that a location, for example, is both to the (magnetic) North and to the (geographic) East. But, as I said, I like your theory too.
And you could be right also about Sayid's knowledge of Rousseau's Map. He was the first to say, for example, that the map wasn't exactly in scale, and he wasn't even sure that that was a Map of that Island. However he could have actually managed to work out that Map, also because when he used the map, he didn't get lost but arrived exactly where he wanted to go.
As for the Crater, I can link you here:
If you read this post and the comments below you will understand what I meant.
If I have time, I'll update my map tomorrow with all the new info that, hopefully, the next episode will give us.
Hi Q
I was watching the latest episode, The Little Price, and something seems odd to me. I was wondering if you also noticed, or understand what I'm missing.
In season four, Jack used a satellite phone to track the helicopter from the beach, which was close to the Orchid. He and Kate/Sawyer travel north to do this.
In the latest episode,Locke and group are using the outrigger to reach the Orchid from the beach.
What seems odd to me is that they are obviously traveling south from the beach, not north.
Is Locke taking them somewhere else? If so, wouldn't Sawyer realize this? Why are they going south from the beach to the Orchid, when last season they went north?
Did I miss something? Do you have an explanation, or did I just screw up the directions?
On another note, I read your recent comments. I would be careful about assuming the wreckage that Locke and group found is connected to the French premier camp. It seems to me that the wreckage they found is from their ship, in which the hull breached. That wreckage could wash up anywhere along the beach. I would be more likely to assume that the place where the French survivors landed w/ Jin in the life raft would be closer to the French premier camp, as noted in the Hearts and Mind screen cap.
Hi Mike,
I know what you mean: I don't know either what's going on with that!
At the end of Season 4 the Orchid was roughly North or North-East from the beach, according to the sat phone. Now it seems South or South-East. It's pretty confusing.
Now, it's possible that the sat-phone screen was made by someone in post-production with no knowledge about the Island and the locations on it. I remember once you noticed something about Jack and Sawyer reaching and leaving the helicopter following the same path, something that I previously thought was irrelevant, but now, I think it could be a very good observation. In this case, the sat phone could be regarded as incorrect.
Anyway, I think that the place where Rousseau and her team arrived on the Island is somewhere near the Crater: on the Side View Map, there is a point clearly marked as "Èpave", i.e. "Wreck" (I didn't know anything about the Premiere Camp before today, lol). Of course, I could be wrong about the location of the Crater, but I think that this hint should be taken into great consideration. If I'm right, it's possible that the group of survivor is now somewhere near the French Team and, considering how the story is going on, it could even be right. But I'm waiting the next episode to get to a more accurate conclusion.
That's what I think. I actually exulted when I realized, after the episode, that my "Èpave" location could be right. Then I realized that the Orchid was wrong and it was... depressing, lol! I hope we can soon get an explanation about this strange fact.
Hello Q,
How have you been?
I noticed your new template has the bottom island moved off the Northeastern beach. It this hydra or another island?
Hello Mike,
Yes, that is exactly Hydra Island. I based the new position of that island on the CGI view from a couple of episodes this season (I remember them being 507 and 509, but I could be wrong). There are a couple of things I would love to share about that, but I need a little more time.
I've been very busy lately, but that doesn't mean I gave up mapping. I actually followed very deeply all the updates in your work and in other works. I just didn't have enough time to take an active part in all of this, unfortunately. I hope to get finally back in about 2-3 weeks.
And thank you for being still here. :)
As soon as I can I will let you know what I think about your most recent maps.
hello Q,
I finally finished my updated maps on my site. I'm going to update the site next. Anyway, I thought you might want to take a look at my updated map. I noticed that you updated your template, but it looks the same. I'm not sure what the update entails.
Anyway, good luck on your map. After my site update I don't think I'll do anything until season six.
Hello Mike,
I'm very curious about your new update. I will take a look and tell you what I think as soon as I finish a couple of things.
As for my updated template, the original Rousseau's map was available at Comic Con as a preview for an auction that will be hold in May 2010 when the show ends; that's why I edited it, to make it as accurate as possible. If you look at the Enhanced Maps section of this site, you'll find the link to the photo I used, and a couple of images with new notations on the Map. Some of them are very interesting (a couple probably hint to the position of the cable/Looking Glass).
From now on I think I will work on my complete map. I hope it will be ready soon, but I don't know exactly when.
Wow!! Thank you so much for that info. How did you possibly know about the Comic-con map? Again, thanks so much. Now I have to update my map again. I thought I was ok, but they keep pulling me back in, lol.
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