COMPLETE MAP (07/10/2010)

This is my actual version of the map representing the Island of Lost. As always, I based my map on Rousseau's map. The positioning of the main locations on the Island is based on screenshots, logic, maps seen on the show, speculations, things that makes this map sort of good, but also isn't very accurate.
You can find part of the hints I use to make my maps on the Essays and Enhanced Maps sections, so don't forget to take a look!
If you have any questions, or if you noted any mistakes or inconsistancies, please comment. I will answer as soon as possible! If you have any request or advices, let me know, so that I could edit my map as soon as possible.
Hello Quasark,
I just had a thought. I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier, it's so obvious.
I was completely wrong about the cable. It is used for pinging submarines. I'm sure there probably is a cable on the North shore also. Think about it. How could the Looking Glass ping for submarines that were on the east side of the island. The Island would block all the eastern pings. You would need a ping on the western side also, and maybe one on the Nothern side, but I'm not sure. The cable's would feed the Looking glass. What do you think?
Hello Mike,
interesting thought, but I really think that there is only one cable running into the ocean, the Looking Glass cable.
Check this dialogue from episode 311, Enter 77:
SAYID: I noticed a series of thick wires as I walked around the station.
MIKHAIL: This is the hub. But they go around to various stations on the island.
SAYID: And these cables, do any of them run into the ocean?
MIKHAIL: Yes. There is an underwater beacon that emits sonar pings to help guide in the vessels.
That means, there is an underwater beacon, as in only one. And I think it's the Looking Glass itself. There is no need for multiple beacons: the submarine travelled from the States to the Island only (we have no evidence for other destinations of the sub other than the States, where the Dharma Initiative had its HQ, and the Island), so it makes pretty much sense that the ping would be emitted by the Looking Glass itself which, in my honest opinion, is situated on the East coast of the Island, as written on Rousseau's Map.
So I think there's only one cable running into the ocean, connecting the Island to the Looking Glass, which can be used both to block communications with the outside world (probably unauthorized communications only, as the Flame worked perfectly until the Discharge) and to emit the ping to help the Galaga.
What do you think?
You may be right, but remember the island moves. To be honest with you, I would not use the cable as an anchor for your map. If you are starting a new map you need an anchor, something that you believe is
without question.
I'm very comfortable with the cable being in the location I selected for a lot of reasons. The most obvious is that they ( Sayid, Charlie, Jack, and didn't seem to climb over a mountain before they came to the rope bridge, which appears to be over the bottom central river)
My adise to you is to select an anchor for your you are very comfortable with and go with that.
My anchor was the Mountain top that is always so prevelant
It took a while before I was comfortable with this selection. A couple of years :)
If I might, another piece of advice would be not to cascade locations. Let each location stand on it's own merit. If you choose a location based on another location and the first location is wrong, then all the subsequent locations are wrong.
Good luck, I'm very interested in seeing how your map progresses. Have you had a chance to look at my resolution of Ben's Radio Tower map. Also take a look at how I integrated that into the Journey to Radio Tower treck (Season three tab)
Good Luck,
By the way, You will probably get more comments if you don't have the word verification. It really doesn't serve much of a purpose. Just delete the occational spam.
Yes, I know, the Island moves, but... Then what? I mean...
What kind of movement the Island is capable of? Can it rotate?
If it can, then the Island wouldn't probably be anchored to the seafloor, and probably it would float on the Ocean (how? I don't know, probably as the result of the huge geomagnetic energy, we don't know). If the Island can't rotate, there is no problem in considering the cable on the East coast. I hope you get what I mean.
As for having an anchor, I don't know... I have reason to believe that the geography of the location in Oahu chosen to represent some location of the Island is not to be taken very seriously. The north shore of Oahu has been used for at least 4 different beaches: the Fuselage crash site, the Second Beach Camp, the Tail Section Crash Site and the Hydra Island Beach, facing the Island. Of course they can't be the very same beach on the Island, and they can't even be on the same coast, but, on Oahu, they are. On that same shore, just rouglhy in-land, there is the set used for the Barracks. The geographic similarities of all this places would make us think that they are all in the same coast in relation to your anchor, but we know for sure that they're not.
Also, I read the location used as the final cofrontation between Eko and the Monster is the same used for Jacob's Cabin in Season Three (and I'm not sure anymore if the Cabin could actually move).
Anyway, this new map is just a "Beta" map. As in: I'm not actually sure about some of this locations, but a lot of hints make me think that they could be where I placed them.
I'm starting to believe that the arrangement of the Stations as pictured on the Blast Door Map is to be taken seriously, though. I suggest you to take a look to the Letter of Truce from the Season 5 box-set (there is an article about that on Lostpedia). There are some interesting statements that make me believe that.
I already had a look to your Radio Tower Map interpretation and I already commented. I'll read and comment the other post you mention ASAP.
I'll also try to have my map updated before episode 610.
(Thanks for the advice... I actually remembered the word verification was off... Probably Jacob did that ;) )
P.S.: If you need better pictures I could provide you with 720p resolution images... Just let me know if you need them ;)
Hello Quasark,
Are we going to see an updated map before the finale?
Hope so,
Hello Mike,
I really hope too. I had a pretty awful period, as I was very busy with my studies and I had some health issues as well, so I was forced to put my map aside for a while.
I was just thinking the other day about an update of my map. The problem is the lack of new hints useful to place locations. Of course we had MIB (in 609) confirming your location of the statue, and we had an east coast map drawn by Locke/MIB. I think I have a couple of elements more to locate the Lighthouse, but that's all we've got, I fear.
Anyway, I really hope to have an update before the Series Finale (it's bittersweet thinking about a "Series Finale", isn't it?), maybe during the weekend, but I'm not exactly sure I'll be able to do this. If I won't, I'll probably post a new map (maybe a definitive one) shortly after the Finale.
What about your map? I'm continuing to follow your site and I really like your updates. Do you plan any new update before the Finale? Or do you think your map is near to a final version?
Keep up the good work!
Hi Quasark,
Sorry to hear about your health problems. Hope you feel better.
Yes, I working on an update to be current with last nights show. Fortunately, the last couple of shows have not had much travel. I hope to have it done Tomorrow.
I tried to contract Losty Smurf, but his comments section is closed to non members.
Looking forward to your map.
Hi Q
I curious why you relocated the island south east of the island? You seem to have repositioned it far off of the the north east coast. This is your Hydra.
Did you do this because the Island immediately to the west is too close and small to be Hydra? I've thought that.
It's just that I don't see that island on Rousseau's map. Perhaps it has repositioned since the map was conceived, or is outside the border of that map.
Hi Mike,
I replaced that Island because I think that that island was never supposed to be in that corner.
That island was the center of the famous triangle, found overlapping three maps.
For that island to be in the southeast corner, it should have been in the same position in relation to the main Island in all the three maps. But, of course, the three maps are different in the part of the Island shown and in scale. The only thing they have in common is the position of this island in the low right corner and the triangle around it.
This means that we cannot be sure that the smaller island is in the southeast corner.
I replaced it to the north because of the panoramic view from Hydra Island in the last two seasons (for example episode 507, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham), where is also visible the little island (maybe just a rock) at the southeast corner of the map.
And Robert Island doesn't make a lot of sense to me as Hydra Island, both because it's too close and because of the panoramic view.
Another reason that made me choose to replace it to the north was the map seen in 613, The Last Recruit. I thought it was kind of a confirmation that, at least, Hydra Island wasn't to the south of the Main Island.
So yes, I relocated that island.
As a matter of fact, the "triangle island" wasn't on the map Sayid first got from Rousseau, then it was visible in later appearences on the show, then it was missing from the Comic Con map last year, and then, again, it's now visible on the map on the auction site. The obvious solution is of course "they used two different props", but I thought it would be worth noting.
My theory is that TPTB didn't create that island form the beginning but always intended THAT island to be Hydra Island. I just decided to relocate it :)
Thank you for your comment!
If you have any more questions, just ask.
Hey Q,
The LOST auction catalog is finally available for download. They didn't provide a better view of the main maps, but a couple of hand drawn maps were mad available and the view is not better, but the maps are complete.
The Link is
The group of maps are in the first catalog and are easy to miss. There are a lot of cool items though.
Hi Mike,
thanks for letting me know this: I was just wondering when these catalogs would come out.
By the way, wow! There's a lot of awesome props! And in the other catalogs there are other maps as well: Arzt's Map from Exposè, Faraday's Map to the Tempest and Ben's Map to the Temple! And even a topographical map, in the Season 6 catalog!
And there are a lot of other wonderful props. Really amazing. I'm just sad I won't be able to partecipate in the Auction.
Anyway, thanks again for the link!
Hi Quasark,
I released my lastest version of the map. Thought you might like to check it out.
By the way, do you know if the 'Summit view' of Rousseua's map
has been translated from French to English yet?
Hi Mike,
I see a lot of updated locations in your map. It would take me some time to check it in detail as I'm going to stay away for a week.
I'm working on that translation right now (I'm not a French speaker, but as long as it's written I understand it). I hope to upload it as soon as I can, maybe in a couple hours.
As promised, I translated the Summit Map.
You can see my translation HERE in the Enhanced Maps section of my site.
I hope it can be of any help.
Wow, that was fast. Great job, thanks. I wonder what 'cave of shipwreck' means?
Probably just another distraction.
Thanks a lot.
Uhm, I think I made a mistake in there. It should be "The Cave of the Shipwrecked". It actually makes much more sense this way!
I'll correct it as soon as I can.
Hey Quasark,
I hope you don't mind but I referenced your site at
I should have probably asked first, but I didn't think you would mind. It's a LOST forum.
By the way, In the translation someone at the site wondered if the Cave of the shiprecked could have anything to do with the Blackrock. Could the term 'Cave' be interpretted to mean 'grave' or vault, buried, confined, sourounded, boxed in, enclosed, interned, cavity???
Also, I couldn't figure out the spelling of that word that means cave. What did you come up with?
It was too small for me to make out.
Hi Mike,
Of course I don't mind. There's no problem at all as long as my works are recognized as mine.
As for that translation, the original notation was "La grotte des naufragés", where "grotte" means "cave" and, according to the Google translator (I don't have access to french dictionaries right now), it can be translated as "grotto" and "cavern" as well. I don't think that there are other meaningful translations of that word.
As long as your alternative translations are concerned, I think that, if that was the case, another word had to be used, instead of "grotte". "Grotte" is a very explicit word, and I don't think that there are other possible translations for that, but I could be wrong (actually I think I'm not).
Hope this can shed some more light on that issue.
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